

  • Product Name: Talbeneh
  • It is ready soup depending on barley flour with fully bran treatment prepared by adding water, and cook on low heat for 5 minutes

    Advantages and benefits of Talbeneh, which proved scientifically:

    Strengthens the immune system, Useful in the process of weight loss and diet by medicine, it was used by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for the members of his household as bread, and ordered for the patient who does not feed the food, and for sad, and repair heart of patient, and ordered it for the sick, the barley porridge wash the patient's abdomen, and It heals the heart of sad, and please heart of ill.

    Available with multiple delicious flavors to suit all tastes:

    Original Talbeneh , Talbeneh with chocolate, Talbeneh with Strawberry, Talbeneh with Bananas, Talbeneh with vegetables Taloeneh with Diet, Talbeneh with apples.

    Storage: Store tightly closed in a dry place, (15 °C -25 °C), and away from heat sources and strong smelling substances.

    Time of validity: 12 months from the date of production, provided storage in a dry and cool place (l 5 °C -25 °C) and in the basic unopened package.


    decreasing the sense of hunger and remove excess water from the body's need, Give a high-energy without becoming fat, Reduce cho esterol and cure tfle heart, Help in the treatment of cancer and delay aging, herp as a laxative and sedative of the colon, Help in the treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure, Useful in the trea ment of depression.

    There are many Hadith for the virtues of Talbeneh:

    (It heals the heart of sad, and please heart of ill, as if one of you is cleaning dirt from her face with water), (you must use treatment of Talbeneh). (you must use Talbeneh and make him eat it) These Radith recommend the use of barley seeds as food and

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